Hello, I'm so glad you're here! My name is Rochelle Keller and I'm a Birth & Postpartum Doula certified through ProDoula. My journey to birth work began in 2020 when I discovered how purposeful I felt in wanting to serve women and their families during the transitional time in their lives that is pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Teaching mothers and families about the power of self-advocacy and informed decision making is foundational to the services I offer. I have endless curiosity and wonderment for all things birth, babies, women's health and parenthood.
My intention in my practice as a doula is to provide women and families the confidence and support they need or desire to achieve an empowered birth experience and gaining a clearer vision of what that uniquely looks like to them. Birth is certainly not an event that can be predicted or controlled but it's my role and passion as a doula to draw attention to how we can better prepare ourselves for the journey of birth and bringing forth human life.
I feel that women who seek out doula work have really been an unofficial doula their whole lives. I have always been quite sensitive by nature and doula work has turned that into my superpower. I have a keen observation of others and ability to sense or anticipate their needs and taking care of others is something I really enjoy. Outside of doula work, my love language to others are acts of service-particularly cooking, baking, and painting. While I'm not a mother myself yet, I love spending time with my 3 nephews and niece and they've certainly inspired my journey as a doula. I'm very excited to have little ones of my own someday.